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Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Yearbook of Jason Mraz Fans

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Jordan C.'s Yearbook Entry (One found!)

Jordan C.
from Iowa City, Iowa

I am a female with blonde hair and blue eyes.
My birthday is on July 19, 1988
which makes me a 36 year old Cancer.

This is how I got into Jason Mraz:
how did i get into jason mraz? well its simple really... i listen to the Yahoo Launch radio thingies, and when he was the "emerging artist of the month" in april, i think, maybe? ne ways... his songs played all the time. but before i started listening to his music, i thought Mraz was going to be some dorky guy with awful music (cuz thats when i was really into punk music) but the first song i heard was "absolute zero" and from the moment that song started i have been in love with his music and his talent!

Additionally, I'd like to mention to other fans:
ugh... im soo sad, tonight (october 23rd 2003), Mraz has a concert in cedar falls, which is kind of far away from where i am. iowa is so lucky to have him perform here, because we're iowa... not very people even know where iowa is.. and for those who do think its one big farm.. which is sooo not true, but im sitting here tonight.. looking at my ticket to that concert:
Panther Productions Presents
Live in Concert
October 23, 2003 -- 8:00 PM
... and just my luck, i have a ticket and i cant go, cuz im only 15 and "its out of town" (my dads excuse for not letting me go, although he knows how much im into jason mraz's music). you know, im gonna look on the bright though... maybe he'll come to iowa city sometime? john mayer is ... and im really excited for that concert cuz i got 6th row: ground floor. its gonna be soo much fun although Mayer is not even comparable to Mraz. hmm.. well im blabbing now, about something not even that important but i wanna give a big thanks to Jason Mraz for his music and talent, his band, managers, producers, assisstant coordinators etc etc for everything they've done to get him as far as possible... and of course, every one of his fans... thank you everyone for getting him where he is today.

This entry has been viewed 2703 times since
Friday, November 7, 2003.

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