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Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Yearbook of Jason Mraz Fans

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Katie's Yearbook Entry (One found!)

from Phoenix, Arizona!

AIM: katienh112

I am a female with dark brown hair and light brown eyes.
My birthday is on July 30 which makes me a Leo.

This is how I got into Jason Mraz:
Well...that's a good question, and I bet you're all dying to know, seeing as how I don't live in San Diego. Anyone else here from Arizona? Anyone? Anyone? Yeah that's what I thought. Ok so anyway, my friend's sister goes to school in San Diego and she goes to Jason's shows all the time, she got her sister hooked on him, and her sister saturated me with his music until I gave in and started loving it. And here I am. What are the odds? All I know is that everyone here is ranting about his live show and I've never seen him live. That puts a damper on my day now doesn't it?

Additionally, I'd like to mention to other fans:
Yeah...YOU SUCK. No, no that's a lie. I'm just all bitter since I'm deprived of live Jason shows. So I've made a decision, we all should start hounding Jason until he decides to come to Phoenix!WOO HOO! Won't that be fun? He'll love it. OH, and also another good idea would be for him to write a song for me. Because I'm completely confident in the fact that it'd be a pretty good song. He's a great writer, I'm a great person...you get it. Now I'd like you all to take that into consideration, and don't hesitate to contact me if you get into the whole song about me thing. Or the getting Jason to AZ deal. You really shouldn't give a person this much space to write in, I could go on for hours. But I'll spare you all and stop right about now. Thanks!

This entry has been viewed 3309 times since
Thursday, January 17, 2002.

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