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Jason Mraz
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Jason Mraz Songs

Waiting For My Rocket To Come Waiting For My Rocket To Come
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Released on
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
4. Who Needs Shelter
(14 Reviews) Listen *Video
    by Jason Mraz & Chris Keup

Good-day sunlight
I'd like to say how truly bright you are
You don't know me but I know you
You're my favorite star
Follow you I will so lets get moving
Who needs shelter when the mornings coming?
Absolutely there's no one
Who needs shelter from the sun?
Not me, no. not anyone.
By your clock the cock rooster crows
Then off to work where everybody goes 
Slow, But eventually they get there
Picking up the day shift back where all left off
Confined and pecking at relationships 
You know it's only a worthless piece of shit
Who needs shelter when the mornings coming?
Absolutely there's no one
Who needs shelter from the sun?
Not me, no. not anyone.
I'd sleep it all away but the sun wont let me
I'd miss those lovely days of summer
Good-day sunlight
I'd like to say how truly bright you are
You don't know me but I know you
You're my favorite.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2003.

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