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Jason Mraz
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Jason Mraz Songs

The Rythm Cafe Live #1 The Rythm Cafe Live #1

Released on
Saturday, July 8, 2000
11. The Right Kind of Phrase
    by Jason Mraz

Once there was a girl that came from not too far from here
And she wasn't satisfied at the rate that she applied herself
To the items on the shelf, she was a retail girl
And that really has to do with nothing though she gave me something
A smile I'll rely on for a lifetime I'd try on for awhile
So now why is she getting married on the 25th of april
She believes in higher energy and better things for all the people
She is a charm of good luck when she's sitting by your side
But I think my luck run out on april twenty five
Oh love, oh love is all I'm looking for
Sitting in the corner in the dark
Hoping that she'd eye me, I'm looking right her way
But I'd never find the right thing to say
I'd never find the right kind of phrase
There was a secret somebody
Of course I never get the upper hand
Those kinds of rare finds are all born with a man
I just don't understand how they can
Oh love, oh love is all I'm looking for
Sitting in the corner in the dark and on the floor
Hoping that she'd spy on me, I'm looking right her way
I'd never find the right kind of phrase
The right kind, the right line, or the right time to say almost anything that's right
the right kind of phrase. 
I'd never find the right thing to say

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Friday, February 14, 2003.

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