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Jason Mraz
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Jason Mraz Songs

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Released on
Thursday, August 30, 2001
10. After An Afternoon
    by Jason Mraz & Ariel Quirolo

I bare my windowed self untamed and untrained
Dreams that hardly touch our complexions truest faults
If room enough for both my drowsy spirit shall fall
Bold waves tumble to the season of my heart
Where you have offended my faith and my trust
Until all is lost into the beauty of the day
But there's something in the way you laugh
That makes me feel like a child
Aspects of life they confuse me
You and your thesis amuse me
After and afternoon with you
And your rich brown eyes 
Your lips and dark hair
Elbows and exposed knees tossing toward the ceiling
After an afternoonÉ
Face to palm
Tear to tear
Mouth to tongue
Heart to ground
I am in love

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