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Lyrics to Evanescence Songs

Whisper EP / Sound Asleep EP

Released in
1. Give Unto Me
(32 Reviews)
    by Evanescence

I’ve been watching you from a distance
But distance sees through your disguise
All I want from you is your hurting
I want to heal you
I want to save you from the dark

Give unto me your trouble
I’ll endure you suffering
Place onto me your hurting
I’ll drink your deadly poison

Why should I care if they, hurt you
Some how it matters more to me
Than if I were hurting myself

Save you
I’ll save you

Give unto me your trouble
I’ll endure your suffering
Place onto me your hurting
I’ll drink your deadly poison

(Piano Solo)

Give unto me your trouble
I’ll endure your suffering
Place onto me your hurting
I’ll drink your deadly poison

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Wednesday, May 14, 2003.

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