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Lyrics to Evanescence Songs

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Released on
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
7. Lacrymosa
(58 Reviews)
Out on your own
Cold and alone again
Can this be what you really wanted baby

Blame it on me
Set your guilt free
Nothing can hold you back now

Now that you're gone
I feel like myself again
Grieving the things I can't repair and willing

To let you blame it on me
And set your guilt free
I don't want to hold you back now love

I can't change who I am
Not this time
I wont lie to keep you near me
And in this short life
There's no time to waste on giving up
My love wasn't enough

And you can blame it on me
Just set your guilt free honey
I don't want to hold you back now love

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Thursday, September 7, 2006.

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