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Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Evanescence Songs

Evanescence EP Evanescence EP

Released in
December, 1998
6. Understanding
(31 Reviews)
    by Evanescence

"You hold the answer deep within your own mind. 
 Consciously you've forgotten it. 
 That's the way the human mind works. 
 Whenever something is too unpleasant, 
 too shameful for us to entertain 
 we reject it, we erase it from our memory, 
 but the imprint is always there."

We wash it all away
We wish it all away
We hope it all away
Can't cry it all away

The pain that grips you
The fear that binds you
Releases life in me
In our mutual shame we hide our eyes
To blind them from the truth 
that finds a way to who we are

Please don't be afraid
When the darkness fades away
The dawn will break the silence
screaming at our hearts
My love for you still grows
This I do for you
Before I try to fight the truth my final time

"We're supposed to try to be real. 
 We feel alone when we're not together, and that is real."

Can't wash it all away
Can't wish it all away
Can't cry it all away
Can't scratch it all away

Lying beside you
Listening to you breathe
The light that flows inside of you 
burns inside of me
Hold and speak to me
Of love without a sound
Tell me you will live through this 
and I will die for you
Cast me not away
Say you'll be with me
For I know I cannot bear it all alone

"You're not alone, honey, Never. Never."

Can't fight it all away
Can't hope it all away
Can't scream it all away
It just won't fade away

Can't wash it all away
Can't wish it all away
Can't throw it all away
Can't scratch it all away

Can't fight it all away
Can't hope it all away
Can't scream it all away
Oh, it all away
Oh, it all away

"But the imprint is always there, 
 nothing is ever really forgotten"

"Because I'm dying too
 Because I'm dying too
 Because I'm dying too
 Because I'm dying too
 Because I'm dying too"

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