Banner Advertising

Want to advertise on  Check out the Dynamic Up-To-Date Statistics
You'll see that the site gets over 50,000 unique users per month with over 100,000 page views with 30% of the users browsing past the first page they get to (These stats go up and down monthly, so you can see on the report what they currently are at).
The demographics of the majority of visitors are age 16-28 both male and female from the United States.

The following sites are available for advertising:

Gerrit's JEWEL Page
Adam Sandler CD Lyrics Archive
Denis Leary: No Cure for Cancer

Advertising revenues are put straight back into maintaining the site including web hosting, database development, graphic design, and bandwidth.  The site is hosted on one Web Server running Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with dual Intel Pentium III 1Ghz processors and 1GB RAM on a T1 behind a Cisco Pix Firewall monitored by MediaHouse ipMonitor backed up nightly with Veritas Backup Exec .  Advertising fees are quite small as we are not trying to make money off of the site and are more interested in providing value to our web site visitors.

For each specific page sponsored, the sponsor places one large banner (468x60) on the top of the page, one small advertisement somewhere on the page (100x60) per two screen views (for long pages), and another banner on the bottom of the page (468x60).   No other advertising or banners will be placed on that page whatsoever.  However, smaller banners of advertiser's choosing may be put in place of specified banners.  The webmaster has full discretion to choose where on the page the banners will go with final approval by the advertiser.  Links from the banners to the sponsor's site will open up in a new browser window at the size of the advertiser's choice.

The following sub-pages are at a premium due to high traffic volume:

Gerrit's Jewel Page: Lyrics
Gerrit's Jewel Page: Guitar Tabs

Gerrit's Jewel Page: Splash Page
Adam Sandler: Splash Page
Adam Sandler: They're All Gonna Laugh At You!
Adam Sandler: What The Hell Happened To Me?

Denis Leary: Splash Page

Premium Price: $20 for 2 pages per month
Regular Price: $20 for 5 pages per month

All advertising must be paid for in advance and will cover exactly one month's term from the date of payment (or expiration of previous payment).  Any advertising that expires will be taken down promptly unless a pre-paid extension is made. 

Payments may be made in the form of a check or a credit card.

Contact the Webmaster via e-mail if you wish to advertise.