HYSTERIA* | Interactive Multiplayer Games (Chess, Checkers, Tic-Tac-Toe, Othello, Stratego) |
PLACE* | Location/Friends List Program |
APRILFOOL | Silly Error Messages |
VTLOCK | Black Cat's VT-Lock Program (User Guide) |
NEWMAIL | Quick list of your NEWMAIL folder |
CALL | Use PHONE without knowing where the user is |
CMP | Compress the Notebook and Mail |
DIRSIZE | Look at the size of all of your directories |
FREE | Show how much free space you have |
FUNNY | Practical joke to make it look like your account is gone |
NOTES | Update notes in the background |
PIC | E-mail/MSG people ASCII pictures |
PN | Process Name Program |
PID | Show your Processes |
PROMPT | Make your prompt like a DOS prompt |
REMINDER | Be reminded of important dates |
SETPLAN | Set permissions on your account to see your plan |
HELP: How to setup EXE and COM files on the RIT VAX Cluster.
* These are the only two programs that I wrote.
All the rest are copied and/or modified with permission.
Note: This was all written for the RIT VAX Cluster and may not work on your system.