Graduates of 1985

Kazelbjp Aboutlxttx
Amy Baker Senna
Bill Daniel
Dawn Done (Adams)
Cal State Fullerton
Greg Ellingson
Melaina Engels
St. John's College Santa Fe NM
Melaina Engels
St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM
Art Galitz
Pete Gavitte
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
Melanie E. Green (Gillett)
Joel Holmes
Cal State Long Beach
Keith Maziasz
University of Michigan
Hallie Morris Blanchard
Sandy Newman (Wiedemer)
Sandy Newman (Wiedemer)
New York, NY
Brian K. O'Neel
Michael Perry
Azuza Pacific University
Helen Petroff
Karyn Schultz
U.C. Santa Cruz
John Skaarup
University of Texas at Austin
Sean Smith
Tim Stuart
Heidi Wolfson (Fridlund)
UCI, San Francisco Law School

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