Lori (Curling) Sarancik
Claudia (Maertin) Locke
Fullerton College ('82), Cypress College |
Jennifer Amidei-Kerstner
Cal State Fullerton |
Gretchen Anderson (Zahnzinger)
Brian Arii
Brian Arii
Lisa Baba (Wingard)
Karen Baker
Joy Been
UCLA; Hastings College of the Law |
Gary Behnke
Brad Christy
Ventura Ca. |
Emily Chung
UC Berkeley, UCLA (MPH) |
Tami Clark (Griggs)
Jeff Crow
Eastern Washington University |
Jeff Crow
Carlota Cruz (Nepomuceno)
University of Soouthern California |
Scott Denick
Dirk Dothage
UOMW (Univ. Of Married W/ Childre) |
Valerie Elliott-Johnson
Lori Engelmann
Lisa (Murison) Glasheen
David Grand
Cal State Fullerton |
Karen Hastings
Richard Hedrick
Cal State Fullerton |
Phil Hershkowitz
Cal Poly Pomona |
Jill Jones
Joetta Lane
Rosemary Lockyer (now Ingram)
Missouri Western State Univ. |
Jamie (Logan) McDougal
Scott McVeigh
Fullerton College, CSUF |
Deanna Mooring (Hudson)
University of Phoenix |
Ryan Pane
Point Loma, CSUF |
Wendy Peterson
stephanie reid
Denise Ritter Now Armendarez
Chaffey CollegeEJTEARN |
Jennifer Roper (now Apodaca)
Connor Sill
U.C. Irvine; R.C.A. |
Valerie Skiles
University of the Pacific |
Jim Smith
Cal State Fullerton |
Jim Smith
Sandi Talento
Cal State Fullerton |
Mike Taylor
Brenda (Waltman) Tibbetts
Lynn Tolley
Lynn Tolley
Laura Zaug (Youlios)