Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

soulbelly: UnOfficial Site

Welcome to the first major fan site for soulbelly. This site is dedicated to supporting the existing fan base for soulbelly and helping get the music out to a broader audience.

Unfortunately, soulbelly disbanded on Tuesday, January 15th, 2002. They've even taken down their official website.

My name is Gerrit.  I first heard soulbelly at the Roxy in Hollywood.  I purchased their CD, simple.chaotic, shortly before creating this fan site and it's outstanding!  Check it out!

Do you use Yahoo! Messenger? Have I got a skin for you!

I aspire for this site to be THE location for soulbelly fans to get together online.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who Is soulbelly?
Can I Listen To Some Songs?
What If I Want Lyrics?
What Do Other People Think?
Can I Review The Music?
Can I Meet Some Fans?
Are There Any Mailing Lists?
When Is soulbelly Playing?
Where Can I Get Some Goodies?
Where Can I Find More Info?
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since 1/12/2004