The Push Stars Song Reviews

Meet Me At The Fair Meet Me At The Fair
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Released on
Thursday, January 4, 1996
7. Wild Irish Rose

Review #65 by Bobby
Written on Jan 22, 2004 (Read 571 times)
This song is amazing.  I can put it on repeat for what seems like hours and love every minute of it.  Beautiful.

Review #50 by Tom
Written on Dec 30, 2002 (Read 720 times)
A truly haunting set of lyrics that resembles my life.  I guess I am not abnormal after all :).

Review #38 by John L.
Written on May 2, 2002 (Read 819 times)
Another one of my fav's too... I asked about this... supposedly recorded live... hear the chatter in the background?

I have a weakness for strippers to Chris... remember Columbia, MO?  LOL


Review #34 by Nikki
Written on Jan 4, 2002 (Read 874 times)
I can't believe that no one has reviewed what I think is the pick of the Push Stars litter.. a stirring, slow, thoughtful song.. it's simply beautiful..

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