Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to The Push Stars Songs

After The Party After The Party
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Released on
Tuesday, May 18, 1999
10. Sofkuri's Room
Written by Chris Trapper
    Transcribed by Gerrit (
    As performed by The Push Stars on After The Party

I want to be back in Sofkuri's room 
Where the candlelight's timeless 
She sits on the corner of her bed looking at you 
Thru eyes part coal and part diamond 

And I long to feel Sofkuri move 
Smooth like a stream in the forest 
'Cause I feel stiff like the city in heat 
May the road be burning before us

She's sticking to me like the salt from the sea
Sleeping on the shore
In my winter coat pocket I found a key to her door 
It said I'll love you more 

And I swear I felt Sofkuri's soul 
Climb into mine
And hide it inside a glass of red wine 
And sing to me
Mystery is everything
Mystery is everything
Mystery is everything
Mystery is everything

She's sticking to me like the salt from the sea
Sleeping on the shore
In my winter coat pocket I found a key to her door
It said I'll love you more
You more
You more

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Thursday, February 8, 2001.

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