Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to The Push Stars Songs

Chris Trapper: Songs From The Drive-In Chris Trapper: Songs From The Drive-In
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Released in
April, 2002
8. Ever Since The Day
When the stranger came to town
We treated him with hate
He rubbed it right back in our face
So two teenage boys would race
For a twenty dollar bet
And to claim who would be great

So we all skipped our last class
To see our hero face the fool
Start their engines, press the gas
Lord, may our hero make it through
This chilly autumn day
And they sky all black and blue

But he last thing that we saw
Ws our hero drive right off the hill
His car went rolling into flames
He gave his life away
For a twenty dollar bet
And to sanctify his fate

As we all were walking home
Shell-shocked and immune
We kicked dirt up with our shoes
There was nothing else to do
And ever since the day
We’ve never been the same
Hollow and afraid
Ever since the day

These lyrics have been viewed 1282 times since
Sunday, October 6, 2002.

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