Jason Mraz Song Reviews

Waiting For My Rocket To Come Waiting For My Rocket To Come
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Released on
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
4. Who Needs Shelter

Review #717 by myra luvs jason
Written on Mar 24, 2005 (Read 1718 times)
OMG I love this song w/passion!! Its one of the best Ive heard in a long time and the weird thing is that Ive had it on repeat for  while now (like a couple of days a week) and I'm still not tired of it. My fav parts are when he sings the 2nd part of the chorus (who needs shelter from the sun? not me. no, not anyone) w/ the harmony accompaning... so pretty, and also when its really soft sounding (i'd sleep it all away but the sun wont let me etc.). I LOVE THIS SONG!!

Review #704 by Danielle
Written on Feb 22, 2005 (Read 1740 times)
i really love this song jason does great work but this is one of his best songs on this album. props to u jason keep on rawkin'

Review #663 by Mraz needs deoderant
Written on Dec 17, 2004 (Read 1787 times)
Dude, this guy needs a life

Review #661 by semi mraz fan
Written on Dec 17, 2004 (Read 1787 times)
this is probably the best song jason mraz ever wrote...sang...whatever. hope he comes out with more stuff like this...

Review #641 by Devon
Written on Nov 3, 2004 (Read 1811 times)
Seriously, there is no compliment I could give to describe mrazs' talent, unless I had his gift of expression. Jason, you touch my soul in many delisious ways. Thank you for being. I got the love for you.

Review #529 by Unbiased
Written on Apr 18, 2004 (Read 2063 times)
The lyrics are a bit bland and at times annoying, and he stole the 'good-day sunlight' line from a Beatles song.  Other than that it's a catchy number with a pretty good hook.  Reminds me of Ed Harcourt's early stuff, not too shabby.

Review #476 by joel sandgren
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 2152 times)
soooooo good to hear it...

Review #450 by Cliff
Written on Dec 30, 2003 (Read 2178 times)
This song is ridiculously dope. Hands down my favorite Mraz track. Gimme an eight minute live version.

Review #420 by cielsoi
Written on Nov 30, 2003 (Read 2212 times)
This song is so beautiful; I don't understand why more people haven't reviewed it. I love its mellow sound. This proves what a great artist Mraz is because his music fits so many different moods. Great listening.

Review #404 by marry me mraz!
Written on Nov 10, 2003 (Read 2229 times)
I love this song, I love Jason Mraz, listen to his song on repeat all night long!!
Luv ya mraz, this song is the bomb.
Oh, by the way I love you! I'm such a fan I tapped your music videos from vh1, and play them, then rewind, then play, and so on. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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