Jason Mraz Song Reviews

Mr. A-Z Mr. A-Z
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Released on
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
9. O Lover

Review #977 by Crystal
Written on Jan 12, 2006 (Read 1029 times)
I love the beat. The lyrics just make this song so intense.

Review #934 by gennay <3
Written on Oct 28, 2005 (Read 1191 times)

-"Put It Over Your Skinny Self, But Don't Cover Your Tattoo, Woo !"

Lol <3


Review #926 by gennay <3
Written on Oct 27, 2005 (Read 1196 times)
"Put It Over Yourself, But Don't Cover Your Tatoo, WOO !" Lol

Love This Song, It's A Sing-Along For-SURE !:)



Review #901 by Sylvia
Written on Oct 19, 2005 (Read 1217 times)
i loved this song, it's so upbeat and totally jason Mraz. I love it. I wish i had the CD but i'm too broke to buy it. **wipes away a tear** anyway everyone should listen to it.

Review #895 by Myrak
Written on Oct 13, 2005 (Read 1233 times)
Love this song, so much more fast-paced and upbeat. Though it sounds like he's singing about weed, which makes it even cooler.

Review #894 by lauren
Written on Oct 12, 2005 (Read 1236 times)
absolutely my fav song ever!!!! its totally different and it totally rocks!!! go bye the cd!!! the whole cd rocks

Review #888 by leshia
Written on Sep 27, 2005 (Read 1263 times)
This song is amazing. So much energy and passion. when this song plays it always gets turned up and danced to!

Review #869 by Alan
Written on Aug 28, 2005 (Read 1310 times)
This is my favorite song on the cd. It describes the end of my last relationship to a "T", it is also a different kind of song than a Jason Mraz song. It kicks ass. Listen!

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