Confederate EDA

Lee Garner
Pacolet, South Carolina, USA

I was born on Wednesday, September 2, 1981 which makes me Virgo.
I am a male with Brown hair and Multi-Colored eyes.

I joined the EDA mailing list in August, 1996

My Jewel Story:
I was listening to the radio one day, and this young woman came on singing a song called Who Will Save Your Soul...I was very impressed, and interested in finding out more about her. I found more of her music, bought her CD, and became hooked. As a result, I found the EDA's on the internet, and been around ever since. Too bad I missed Jewelstock, I joined the EDA's only a month after it happened.
I've only gotten to see Jewel once in concert, but that was enough to please me. I got to go to NASHBASH in Nashville, TN...the SECRET concert. That sure turned out to be an adventure; I think Ty Murray saw me having an herbal cigarette behind the dumpsters at 12th and Porter ;)

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