Thats bad. A puff of smoke and an ember dies A gust and gone again Possibly maybe The remaining ashes on the floor Another lit and newly formed Ashes mix with the old. A spinning head and all is lost Crashing to the floor and the ashes Old and new alike
Shudders wracked my body A feeling like no other Here and gone again Sure to come another day I walked alone in the snow The clock dolled 3:30 but I, I was more alive than I had Ever been The sky turned a deeper shade of life All at once I could see The world twisted in synch with my self Breathing at last. The smells of countless sources became real, Footsteps behind, but the future blurred Smeared and washed by the haze in my mind Seeing and not at once
The flicker of the flames Brings back the dance of her hair This beautiful creature Whose laughter rings in my ears Whose body I long to hold so close to my own Whose heart I do. I long for her now As I always have Other have come and gone Without leaving a trace I sit in my solitude, longing, waiting And watch the flicker of the flames
Another one of those "Yesterday" moods Now Ive got to kick back and Suffer through my joy How quickly the music fades and Becomes sad. Becomes cold and still And yet shining like the moon with Cold brilliance Slowly changing shape as the seasons pass Bringing light when alive and Nothing when gone Filling the sky and then leaving Me alone
A History Poem
I write to thee oh god. For now it seems only you listen This is not your fault, you have to. For as I scratch out my thoughts. You sit, stare, and seemingly listen. Chaos reigns supreme all around Peoples thoughts marching past, Whose bodies do not obey You are simple, linear, wholly. Yet you are not, deep and twisted. I now lay myself on thee for slumber.Untitled
Light flows in and around Slowly pouring through Glistening here, and shining there Covering and coating all it touches Sliding easily and slipping gently Radiating and showering you
The hourglass was broken Sand seeped out the ruined glass Filled and choked the ground Sand filling the countryside Shards of glass littered the sand The hourglass struggled to remain upright Broken and beaten it fell on its side Revealing its broken infinity
The moon illuminated her. She, more beautiful than all Under the moons beams The moon shined on her Bringing out every detail Of her perfectness The moon loved her Showered her with silver Radiated her stillness All the stars above Were no match for Her brilliance No passing cloud Could stop Her radiance A field of flowers below Could not compare to Her beauty
think about it (to be read while thinking)
what do i think when im not thinking can i not think i dont think so my thinker continues to think even when i tell it no why cant i not think i dont know let me think about it.
Waiting Waiting for the time to come Waiting Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Waiting Waiting to have some fun Waiting When will this be done Waiting Waiting for my life to start Tick-Tock Tick-Tock
Everyone say Ho! for picnics
Dark and cool Bright yet smooth Stars at noon With halos round Clean and clear Leaving no trace Of the dark And cold Swept aside With flowing motion Quickly replaced By moon and stars Fog and weight Cloud the air And my vision Of the fair moon
Walking down the walk A buzz in my head Blur in my eye Just to let me know Im still alive Feeling the sorrow, dread, regret Letting go of it all Living the gray, the cold, the concrete The steel that soars and the glass that screams Living it all again and again Hang my head, feel the sting Heroes from ages past Singing the songs of joy and woe Acid and love fall from the sky Showering me with truth
Deal with IT (deal with it now)
IT is not a limerick IT is not a sonnet IT does not shine like gold or silver IT does not even rhyme IT does not speak good IT is not controlled by set guidelines or standards about how long a line should be IT does not care for punctuation?!?!?! IT is for IT IT is what IT is deal with IT
I dont think. I dont think. Hello Oldfriend Youve come to talk to Me this time But you are not Not who I think You are You are You are so So strange
Deutsch: Sie sieht mir
Sie seiht mir Sie schuen mir durch stechen Der kalt Mond scheint um mich Reflektier weg stahl Dolch Scheint in mein Auge Durch stechen mein Harz.
English: She sees me
She sees me Her look pierces me The cold moon shines around me Reflecting off steel daggers Shining in my eye Piercing my heart.
© 1999 Copyright Court Schuett
If you would like to post any of these poems on your site or take them for any
other use, you must e-mail the author of these poems and get written permission.