What would you say if I left? Would you work your magic to stop time? Would you spend each waking hour with me, Would we cry and laugh over the past few years, Would we Or just leave without good byes? Enjoy the postcard.
Summer calls
The sun sets to the west, Our west. The planes fly over the summer sky, Our summer sky. How can such serene moments in time Pass by, Pass by crashing into plane metal, Freezing those moments by winter winds? All I can do to make this reoccur: To call you long distance Wait and hour fluky for the plane to pass Or the summer breeze to gale Then hang up with a blank heart
Left Behind
I try to think of hating you It doesn’t work I try to take myself away from you Never would I manage I have to be angry with you Can’t do it I want to scream at you My soul couldn’t be so stern But. My heart is going to love you My mind is to passion you My body to give to you My soul is going to love you. I just cant
Developing Pictures
I got them today, The pictures- I should have gave them away. You and me Plastering smiles fake as can be. Hiding the hurt and shame Hiding the night, (but who was to blame?) Smiles and summer memories You and me Washed away by howling winter winds That put you and me to an end.
Daisy Fields
I want to lie with you in fields of red dasies, To hear you tell me everything is fine, To see sun infinate For love has no time. I want to feel your masculine touch on my skin To look at lucid blue sky and wait for our life together to begin. But that can wait for later me love, So now just talk to me, our feelings shoved Into a wreckless world where things are bent But dream a dream of daisy felids where our love wil be\ spent.
My Secret
The end. What such harsh words to say. This will be the end of the sultry nights, The ending of loose grasps and words. No more tangled bodies Lying in shimmering moonlight. This is the end my darling, For your drunk enjoyment. But for me This is only the dawning.
Tonight I am home, Lonley as the stars in the night I cry With droplets of sadness glisten I hope You will still love me I write To help overcome you Reality hits As raindrops in flooding rains.
Nothing is fine, Can’t you see, What are You are expecting this to be? This is not a game, It hurts like hell. Seeing you with him Hunts my heart for kill. I want you to be happy But not as you have showed me, For he holds you. And I just sit there with words shoved into me brain “Let it be”