Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Winter Pays for Summer Winter Pays for Summer
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Released on
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
12. Gather
(0 Reviews)
Let us be humbled tonight
End these doubts, show us the light
Give us peace, lay down the mighty
In these doubts show us the light

Oh God, I pray to thee
I don't want to die before I'm free
Dive down inside the sea
Maybe at the bottom I'll find some key

Let us be humbled tonight
End these doubts show us the light
Give us strength, lay down the mighty
In these doubts show us the light I pray

Oh God, I pray to thee
I don't want to die before we are free
Dive down inside this sea,
Maybe at the bottom I'll find some key

Oh God, will you hear my cry
I don't want to see another innocent die
I'll dive down inside these depths,
Keep my faith and hold my breath

We fight to hard and this won't bend
Lay down your arms and gather your friends
Strenghten your heart and this will end
Lay down your arms, gather your friends
Lay down your arms, gather your friends
Lay down your arms, gather your friends
Lay down your arms, gather your friends
Gather your friends

Oh God, will you hear me cry
I don't want to see another innocent die
Dive down inside this see
Maybe at the bottom I'll find some key
Oh God, will you hear me cry
I don't want to see another innocent die
Dive down inside these depths
I'll keep my faith and hold my breath

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007.

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