Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Winter Pays for Summer Winter Pays for Summer
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Released on
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
11. Simple
(0 Reviews)
I'm complication
Live wire down
I'm agitation
distorted sound

You're celebration
Girl on a swing
Passion and patience
Unbroken ring
You're simple, simple
You're simple,
Simply all I need

I'm jagged rock
You, waterfall
Your gentle touch
You wear me down
Till I am smooth
Till I allow
Till I can bend
Till I can bow

You're simple, simple
You're simple
Simply all I need

Twilight sleep
I want to forget
Everything these last few years
Take them from me
Drive them away
I want to be simple again

'Cause I'm complications
Live wire down
I'm agitation
Distorted sound

You're simple, simple
You're simple
Simply all I need

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007.

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