Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Winter Pays for Summer Winter Pays for Summer
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Released on
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
7. Half Life
(0 Reviews)
Count down the rings, pick up the phone
But she's sure to know, you're not alone
More on the side, less at the home
Dust and dry earth, where a garden should grow

It's your decision now, give love or just get out
Don't bring another half life to this house

so why did you come here, what did you want
you did something right, just look what you've got
you can fake it at work, you fake it for friends
but not for the children or the woman you wed

It's your decision now, give love or just get out
Don't be another half-life in this house
You'll be another half-life in this house

And I know you've got it in you to
Let it go, just let her into you
There's dirt on your nails and blood on the floor
You play for the angles, you play what you know

It's your decision now, dig in or get the hell out
Don't be another half-life to this house
You'll be another half-life in this house
Don't bring another half-life in this house

But I know you've got it in you
Just let 'em into you
Just let 'em into you

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Thursday, September 20, 2007.

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