Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Winter Pays for Summer Winter Pays for Summer
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Released on
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
6. Falling
(0 Reviews)
Oh my enigma, I'll never forgive ya
You have confirmed my suspicions as if they had mattered
You're so removed, I can't approach, with an attitude beyond reproach
The constitution of a roach, with skin of satin

Oh you tease, you taunt,
You don't you know what you want
You're too cool, too hot, I'm wishing I forgotten
But there is no bottom, oh there is no bottom
And I just keep on falling

Oh my nemesis, I always knew you were the best
The high priestess of bitterness, queen of the morning
You fight me 'til the bitter end,
And I have passed the chance to make amends
With enemies like you, well, who needs friends?
They all just seem boring

Oh you tease, you taunt,
You don't you know what you want
You're too cool, too hot, I'm wishing I forgotten
But there is no bottom, oh there is no bottom
I just keep on falling
Oh, I just keep on falling

Are we alright, are we still here?
Are we alive, does anybody still care?

You tease, you taunt, you're everything I want
You're too cool, too hot, I'm wishing I forgotten
But there is no bottom, oh there is no bottom
And I just keep on falling
Oh, I just keep on falling
Oh, I just keep on falling
Oh, I just keep on falling
Keep on, keep on
I'll keep on falling

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007.

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