Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Winter Pays for Summer Winter Pays for Summer
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Released on
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
5. Cleareyed
(0 Reviews)
Ever since I was a kid
I've been cleareyed
I can't forget but I forgive
Did you notice
Are you all right

Beyond the edge of memories
The shapes take form and call to me

There's some things I wish I'd never seen
And never been
But so it is
So it is
If all I know is what I see
Then certainty
Is what you are to me

Someone came and changed the words
Left me tongue tied
Tongue tied

It's not a sky without the clouds
There is no blue sky
Blue sky

Beyond the past beyond the fear
The simple act of being here

There's some things I wish I'd never seen
And never been
But so it is
So it is

If all I know is what I see
Then certainty
Is what you are to me


Blind me with love
Make me blind
Blind me with love
Make me blind

Cause I've seen too much
Too much of this life

I have seen too much
Too much of this life

I have seen too much
Too much of this life

I have seen too much
Too much of this life

Now I only see you
Only see you

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007.

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