Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Winter Pays for Summer Winter Pays for Summer
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Released on
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
3. Courage
(0 Reviews)
At the start of the conversation
I didn't have much to say
I was looking for some inspiration
You just got in my way
Took a shot at an easy target
You were too stunned to say anything
You were the unsuspecting martyr
You were not the most dangerous game

Bring my courage back now
Bring it back to me
Tired of being afraid of what I can't change
And I want to be living free

I don't want to be a prisoner
I want to live free

Well it could be I was mistaken
Could be that I deceived myself
But it's hard to understand somebody
Who doesn't want to understand himself
There's an ocean of unlatched windows
And a world of unlocked homes
The only reason anybody still feels safe
Is most people still knock on the door

Bring my courage back now
Bring it back to me
Tired of being afraid of what I can't change
And I want to be living free

I don't want to be a prisoner (x3)
bound in these chains
a slave to my fears
Just want to be living free

Though we all return to dust
There's a lot of us
In an awful rush to
(then as before)

By the end of the inquisition
I was brought back from the brink
Torquemada and a couple of friends got together
All went out for drinks
Left me here in this empty dungeon
While they're living it up downtown
As if they never even existed
Doesn't make much difference now

Bring my courage back now
Bring it back to me
Tired of being afraid of what I can't change
And I want to be living free

I don't want to be a prisoner (x3)
(afraid of these chains)
(slave to my fears)
Just want to be living free

Well some take the road to Damascus
Some take the road to hell
I'll take highway 1 to the evergreens
And everything will turn out well

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Thursday, September 13, 2007.

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