Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Live At Largo Live At Largo
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Released on
Friday, March 7, 2003
18. Small Dark Movies
(0 Reviews)
How are things going in the small dark movie of your life
Late at night you call your girlfriend in the morning you call your wife
In the morning you go for coffee leave town by the underpass
Leave whatever happened last night cigarette in a champagne glass

The road used to go someplace you never been before
Now it's just a race track and the only prize is more
The only off-ramp is up ahead and just where ain't too clear
And change is a semi with smoking wheels filling the rear view mirror

You could really use a rain coat and a pair of cool shoes
You could really use some idea of what you're gonna do
But the road keeps coming at you and you find no place to rest
And in these small dark movies no-one knows what's best

So how are things going in the small dark movie of your life
Late at night you call your girlfriend in the morning you call your wife
In the morning you go for coffee leave town by the underpass
Leave whatever happened last night cigarette in the champagne glass

How are things going
How are things going
How are things going

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007.

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