Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Live At Largo Live At Largo
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Released on
Friday, March 7, 2003
11. Easier
I was eighteen, so were you
I was that birkenstock geek rock dude
You were the back-flip, doe-eyed
Tree-climbing earth mama
Beautiful evergreen girl

I never thought that I could be
Getting my grey hairs with you beside me
And there's something I'm blind to
But you still see

And it couldn't be better, I know
And it shouldn't be easier, oh
I should just stop waiting for the other boot to fall

I want to be the toy in your cereal box
I want to be carter at your peace talks
I want to get almost too familiar
But still notice the way that you walk

And if you said you were going away
I'd run on the tarmac
And I would lay down in front of the plane
Just to get you to stay

'Cause it couldn't be better, I know
And it shouldn't be easier, oh
I should just stop waiting for the other boot to fall

Got everything i'd ever wanted here
Everything and then this constant fear
Sure I'm gonna lose it all
Just waiting for the other boot to fall

And if you thought I could be replaced
I wouldn't just stop with an ear
I would cut off my whole fucking face
Just to make my point clear

That it couldn't be better, I know
It shouldn't be easier, oh
I should just stop waiting for the other boot to fall
Waiting for the other boot to fall

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Thursday, October 11, 2007.

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