Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Live At Largo Live At Largo
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Released on
Friday, March 7, 2003
8. Dam Would Break
(0 Reviews)
It this place that makes me fall from you
Forget the words that once rang so true
Did we expect that life was ever fair, my god...
I sowed a field of rose and reaped a whipping rod
And everything I've held too tight inside
Could make a part of me die
And if my lips could only speak the name
The dam would break

What is this ice that gathers round my heart
To stop the flood of warmth before it even starts
It would make me blind to what I thought would always be
The only constant in the world for me
And every hours of every day
I need to fight from pulling away
And if my mind could only loose the chain
The dam would break

For all the things I hid away
And all the words I could not say
The dam would break

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