Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Live At Largo Live At Largo
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Released on
Friday, March 7, 2003
7. Comes A Time
(0 Reviews)
There comes a time in life
To pull on your coat and go outside
To taste the vinegar of life, bitter life
To taste a second time, its sweet surprise
Sweet surprise

It's not that hard to figure it out
When there's no question, there's no doubt
I burned an effigy to time, senseless time
To view the miracle, but the wine still was wine
And that was my crime

There is a face in the stone
We let it out to find its form
To shape the testament of will, strongest will
Pride, humility, a bitter pill
Bitter pill

Sweet surrender, oh my Lord
I never thought I'd see
Not surprising, still I find
I'm shaking, crying
But I'm laughing, softly

There comes a time in the life
To pull on your coat and go outside

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