Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Abulum Abulum
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Released on
Tuesday, April 10, 2001
6. It Takes Time
The water's getting deeper and I can't feel my feet
I keep on bailing buckets but it flows right back to me
And everything is put away, the children are asleep
But the water's getting deeper
And I can't feel my feet

How am I gonna make time
This is gonna take time

Everything looks different, colors all seem strange
Light comes down in shafts here underneath the waves
Everything is in its place and the children are asleep
But the water's getting deeper
And I can't feel my feet

How am I gonna make time
This is gonna take time

I am provider, but providence has been swayed
And by design nothing is ever the same
I thought that time had only one way to go
I learned how to swim, but not to breathe underwater

How am I gonna make time
Oh, this is gonna take time
How am I gonna make time

I can't feel my feet

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Friday, March 9, 2001.

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