Glen Phillips
Another Delirious Fan Site by Gerrit

Lyrics to Glen Phillips Songs

Abulum Abulum
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Released on
Tuesday, April 10, 2001
5. My Own Town
You all went away and left me alone
And now there's nodody around any more
Just a big empty house on a big empty street
In a big empty town in a big empty state

The radio's dead and the streets are blocked off
I'm through smashing windows and trying to get lost
I read a few books but it just made me sad
Nobody to talk to about what I read

Heaven knows why I'm around
Heaven knows what keeps me here
There is nothing that can keep me down
There is nothing left for to fear

It's my town now, my own town
It's my town now, but I wish you were here

I'm wondering if I should learn how to fly
A police helicopter would be a good way to die
I'd be a fireball come crashing, leaving nothing but ashes
A bald spot on the globe like nothing ever had happened here

Heaven knows why I'm alive
But heaven it can't keep me here
There is nothing that can bring me down
There's nothing left to fear

It's my town now, my own town
It's my town now, but I wish you were here
I wish you were here

These lyrics have been viewed 1314 times since
Thursday, March 8, 2001.

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