Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
10. The Only One

Review #7678 by Bloody Tears
Written on Aug 6, 2008 (Read 635 times)
Woah, Long Time No See.
Anyways, This Song Is The Most Beautiful, Darkest Song On The Album. It Can Relate To So Many People And Touch So Many Lives, Yet The Lyrics Are So Simple.
This Should Be Released I Think, Its"My Immortal"In The Making In My Eyes. Just A Trifle Heavier =D


Review #7504 by Laukik
Written on May 9, 2007 (Read 816 times)
I wrote the opening battle sequence to my latest novel "Defy Thy Ghosts" to this song. It's a very compelling song, not only by the lyrics, but just in the sound itself. The beginning is like the calm before the storm, and just as the song picks up you have the tempest. The maelstrom if you will.
It's just a shame the best song on both "Fallen" and "The Open Door" will never make it to radio. "Haunted" and "The Only One" deserve better.
And as I'm the only one to comment on this song since Amy "relieved" John La Compt of duty and Rocky Gray quite, I'll just say this:
Good riddence. You guys contributed a lot, but in the end you have no right to whine about loyalty. I hope "Machina" fails misserably. You two need to stop acting like 12 year olds.

Review #7418 by little dreamer
Written on Feb 27, 2007 (Read 928 times)
i always thought that when i'm hurting, im just the only one left behind.. im olways selfish with my pain.. always feeling that im the only person who struggles.. i always thought that im misunderstood or sumthing.. you know, the feeling that your all alone.. and the rest of the world just do not understand you.. and that they do not even try to understand either..

i always feel that my only bestfrend is myself.. i even feel that my parents really do not know me.. and that they are selfish.. and they do not love me.. even my my so called friends.. sumtimes or shud i say most of the time i fil that in our circle of frends im the least whom they trust..

i dont know, but listening to the song makes me realize that even my parents and my frends have their own struggles and misfortunes that they shud face.. ive always think of myself and dont even tried to see the cases of those people around me.. i think it was my own fault since im the one who stayed in the corner and the one who closed the opportunity for them to see me..

Review #7392 by _____________________
Written on Feb 12, 2007 (Read 949 times)
This song "saved my life." For a long time, I was struggiling with problems with my life.  At times the pain I felt was so much that I wished I could find a way to end it.  My depression drove my friends and family away, to the point that they never wanted to be around me anymore.  I eventually contimplated comitting suicide.  While listening to this song I realized that even though at times I think and feel like im the only one, im actually not.  I realized that there is probably at least a million other person suffering with problems just as bad if not worse than mine.  The lyrics "when they're so alone they find a back door out of life you know you're not the only one" hit me and changed my thoughts about my problems.  It made me realize that just ending my life won't solve anything, and will probably make things worse than they were before so what would be the point.  I can't thank Evanescence enough for writing this song and helping to get out of my own "hell."  Evanescence is the only band that I have ever heard that has changed people's lives and helped people like me, so I thank them again and I hope that all people suffering will realize that even though they feel alone, they aren't and someone else is hurting just like you.  
Thank You Evanescence

Review #7389 by Fallen.Angel.Saved.by.Amy
Written on Feb 10, 2007 (Read 953 times)
This song is phenomenal! it's a dark song but it takes to the heavens! It's enchantingly dark by hauntingly beautiful. All I can say is this song is our saviour! Admit it guys, this songis the best in The Open Door.

Review #7325 by king
Written on Jan 8, 2007 (Read 1023 times)
I like this song but even though not many of my friends Listen to the lyrics as in listen...anyway. I like it because it tells everyone that everyone hurts sometimes and that you are never the only one. In an attention seeker way, like sitting waiting for help so you can moan about how they dont understand. People never understand.. and i want to tell people who think that to just fuck off because there's always someone whos had it worse.

Review #7289 by Leah
Written on Dec 27, 2006 (Read 1048 times)
This song is . . . . "a life saver" . . . . definately one of the best on The Open Door!

Review #7169 by Dawn Carter
Written on Nov 18, 2006 (Read 1147 times)
always awesome amy! You and the band are phenomenal and there has been no band like you all.  I have heard many bands who are in their own genre..but you all are one of the most unprecedented ones.  You can sing about plums and orchids and make the world fall into a whole other existence when they listen to your music and how U all work so well together! Blessed Be and ROCK IT LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW!

Review #7134 by rashad
Written on Nov 11, 2006 (Read 1172 times)
I think this song is pretty good it makes us realise that deep down no one in earth is realy happy and every one suffers some way and you're never the only one that suffers

Review #7114 by Gothchick13
Written on Nov 7, 2006 (Read 1189 times)
this song is really good it can make someone realize that they're not the only person that's important. that' what i think about it.


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