Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
1. Sweet Sacrifice

Review #7159 by emo chick
Written on Nov 17, 2006 (Read 555 times)
hi imemo i loooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee amy lee im reeeeeeeallllllllly random so forgive me if this jumps around alot i absolutely love evanescence theyre soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fkng awesome bye
scincerly your emo friend unanomys

Review #7133 by pinupgirl
Written on Nov 11, 2006 (Read 677 times)
this is oooooooh   sooooo cool

i love this song im addict to it really

and the lyrics OMG



Review #7130 by meme
Written on Nov 10, 2006 (Read 654 times)
i loooooooooooooove

Review #7119 by breakfastboi
Written on Nov 8, 2006 (Read 700 times)
i love this particular single...

im glad they decided to put it as the first song of the album...

really great, full of "emo" and angst

love u amy

Review #7117 by Gothchick13
Written on Nov 7, 2006 (Read 635 times)
ROCK ON!!!!! ;P

Review #7105 by vakho
Written on Nov 6, 2006 (Read 635 times)

Review #7100 by evanescence
Written on Nov 2, 2006 (Read 682 times)

Review #7094 by naturefreak
Written on Nov 1, 2006 (Read 707 times)
This is really stunning...

Review #7089 by ^HATEING WATS LEFT OF ME^
Written on Oct 31, 2006 (Read 707 times)
i think amy lee kicks ass..ur the greatest and every song that u sing reminds me of "me" and i think through all that uve been threw u do deserve to have awesome albulms and life....^__^

Review #7078 by LuvEvanescence
Written on Oct 28, 2006 (Read 741 times)
This song as well as all the other ones on the album are absolutely amazing. I love the whispering in "Sweet Sacrifice". It has a great message. I can't find a favorite song from this album because they're all just so incredible. I try to name the ones I like most, but end up reciting every single song on the album. Great work, Evanescence. You continue to amaze me and I'm not disappointed one bit. This album was DEFINATELY worth the wait.


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