Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
8. Breathe No More

Review #6178 by Bloody Tears
Written on Apr 19, 2006 (Read 1077 times)
I love this song. But when I saw this movie I don't remember this song and i should. Because Amys voice would have got me through this bad movie.

And I agree with Andrew.

P.S. I Read in last weeks kerrang magzine that evanescence have just finished recording there new album!!!!!!! I dunno when it is out though :-(

Review #6051 by Andrew
Written on Feb 27, 2006 (Read 1110 times)
Since this song was written by Amy (all by herself) this proves that evanescence does not need Ben and that they will forever rock. I mean look at these beautiful and graceful lyrics. She's the Talent of the band. Meanwhile ben is off writing cheesy songs like Breakaway for Kelly Clarkson. EVANESCENCE RRROOOCCCKKSS even without retarded Ben.

Review #6025 by Amanda
Written on Feb 11, 2006 (Read 1150 times)
I really love this song.  The only thing that erks me about it is where is it in Elektra? I haven't been able to hear it on the movie.

Review #5973 by evans fan
Written on Jan 4, 2006 (Read 1197 times)
after all is said and done Amy Lee and Ben Moody made some very good music together. Amys lyrics are very touching and she has the ability to transfer her deep emotion to the audience listening.
But the reality is...all of these songs were written before the fame game started.Ben brought Amy Lee to us. Without him, theres has been nothing new.

Review #5956 by Dante
Written on Dec 22, 2005 (Read 1222 times)
Okay, I've waited long enough. I'm going to tell the truth of what I REALLY think of Evanescence. (If there's something that makes you mad get over it!) This is what I think of the band.

Amy: Hot, beautiful singer, goth and a girly girl at the same time. (But not in a bad way)

Ben: A creep who pissed me off! Great music but, underneath that half-smile is a big sappy song writer, & a batchler who wants Amy just because she's hot. I mean I found out that he once got engaged to her which is why I hate him. It also got mad when I found the lyrics for "You" he asked her to marry him & also Amy says in the exact same song "Your eyes are so blue" and Ben has blue eyes. I mean seriously Amy really did love him but I mean he probably didn't like her. Okay let me calm down. Okay I feel better.

David: Nice guy. Though I didn't really like how he practically took over the vocals in "Anywhere"

John: I got nothin against this guy. He's fits in evanescence perfectly.

Will: Got nothin against this guy either. Took over for David which kinda makes me happy.

Terry: Yeah, Finally I don't have to be mad at Ben anymore.

Rocky: The dark guy. He also was part of the other band I really like "Soul Embraced"
And that's how evanescence got "Tourniquet"

Review #5949 by eveningthought
Written on Dec 17, 2005 (Read 1056 times)
this is my favourite evanescence song. musically is just breathe taking and lyrically amy really is on top of her game here

Review #5943 by Elizabeth
Written on Dec 15, 2005 (Read 979 times)
I think Amy Lee is an amaizing singer and i am touched by her music, i cried the first time i got her album and i am still a big fan as i was the day i first hered them, she is a beautiful person and i am so amized and in awwwh from the mesages they bring across, it is a great thing ;) you never loose touch with youself, and i am so i love with them!!! they have inspired me

Review #5939 by joseph
Written on Dec 12, 2005 (Read 976 times)
i am joseph

Review #5938 by evanescence
Written on Dec 11, 2005 (Read 837 times)
i love amy i love evanescence...this song is beautiful

Review #5875 by SM3
Written on Nov 13, 2005 (Read 808 times)
well...i absolutely love this song! this song beats the hell out of "my immortal"...i mean, don't get me wrong, it's just that, you can tell when Amy sings with the heart, and not out of a sheet!...i love this song, when i'm sad, it makes me feel sadder yet relieved!...how can she do it?...love you Amy


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