Evanescence Song Reviews

Evanescence EP Evanescence EP

Released in
December, 1998
5. So Close

Review #5934 by me.j
Written on Dec 11, 2005 (Read 508 times)
i love evanescence soooooo much and i've all their photoes.albumes and some concerts

Review #5901 by hajar
Written on Nov 24, 2005 (Read 514 times)
hi every body .im from iran.i love evanescence.her voice is wonderful.and ecxited.and relaxe me.

Review #5882 by Dante
Written on Nov 16, 2005 (Read 524 times)
i'm real sorry stace forget about this song I just need you to get me Ascension of the spirit, and Where will you go on this EP.

Review #5866 by Dante
Written on Nov 9, 2005 (Read 473 times)
Sorry I haven't answered you lately, I've just got to sneak my moms iPod and you can send it. Want me to meet you at your website? I'll be ready on Sat. lol! See you then.

Review #5807 by stace
Written on Oct 24, 2005 (Read 485 times)
dante heres me e-mail address stace_whisper@hotmail.co.uk i'l look 4 them songs 4 u coz i know i do have them. cya

Review #5806 by stace
Written on Oct 24, 2005 (Read 469 times)
dante heres me e-mail address stace_whisper@hotmail.co.uk i'l look 4 them songs 4 u coz i know i do have them. cya

Review #5801 by Dante
Written on Oct 23, 2005 (Read 453 times)
stace there's just a few other songs. I'd also like Give Unto Me, and Exodus. Oh, yeah by the way could you tell me what your e-mail adress is? I never really get a chance to e-mail people. I'm usually busy. But the best time is tomorrow after 6:00. I won't be doing anything then or today. Well bye! lol!

Review #5796 by stace
Written on Oct 22, 2005 (Read 442 times)
urwelcome dante, me dads fixed me computer now so when he's finished putting something onit i'll send u this song oh yeh is there anyother song of evanescence that u'd like? coz i've got quite alot of there songs if there is then e-mail me and tell me which songs u want. cya :-)

Review #5791 by Dante
Written on Oct 22, 2005 (Read 410 times)
Thanks stace. So your computer isn't working very good. But, that's okay because, if it takes any long to get this song then I guess it's worth it. Because I mean only 100 copies of this CD were made?! Oh, well. Well anyways thanks stace. You rock!

Review #5778 by stace
Written on Oct 18, 2005 (Read 407 times)
hi dante i can send you this song but you'll have to wait till my dad fixes my computer which should be in the next few days or so bye


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