Evanescence Song Reviews

Anywhere But Home Anywhere But Home
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Released on
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
12. Imaginary

Review #7438 by krista
Written on Mar 17, 2007 (Read 567 times)

Review #4971 by Eris
Written on May 12, 2005 (Read 776 times)
This song helps me escape the real world and it made me so much happier but I just don't know why. I guess it is so much fun to dwell in a world your mind created. Evanescence Rocks!! I simply adore them!

Review #4469 by Anna
Written on Feb 26, 2005 (Read 870 times)
I love this song! when I listen to it, it's like im in a totaly different world. I know it seems weard but its just how I feel! It has so much emotion to it and I love it! you rock Amy lee!!!!!!!!!!!This song is awsome!

Review #4443 by melanie
Written on Feb 22, 2005 (Read 883 times)
Omg i love this song .. I't helps me bring out the real me when i sing it . Thank You Amy Lee!! I'm giving you all credit I love you man, you rock!!  

( My sister broke my cd I was going to kill her!! )  

.m. e. l. a. n. ii. .e.

Review #4438 by Kimi
Written on Feb 22, 2005 (Read 886 times)
i really like this song because i can sing it and it halps me and my band practice you kno you know well ya i have to go practice you konw couse practice makes perfect!!!

Review #4348 by kaitlin
Written on Feb 9, 2005 (Read 949 times)
This song is SO emotional it ROCKS! thank you SO MUCH EVANESCENCE!!!!

Review #4301 by farid
Written on Feb 3, 2005 (Read 975 times)
i love this song because the chorus reminds me how i was before i open my eyes to this lonely world of misery

i love amy lee!

Review #4297 by mae
Written on Feb 2, 2005 (Read 982 times)
i really enjoy this song and love to sing it. i think amy lee has the most powerful voice among other female rock vocals...i wonder where she gets it, but definitely, she rocks!!!

Review #4281 by tinkabell
Written on Feb 1, 2005 (Read 1002 times)
this song is the best song on the album it is so cool, amy sounds great! ; )

Review #4222 by Tuta
Written on Jan 28, 2005 (Read 1022 times)
Bring me to life is yet one of the best songs I've heard since for like ever i always liked this song since it first came out.Cross Over Minisrty at the church i go to does a human video for this song because it's the best.


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