Evanescence Song Reviews

Anywhere But Home Anywhere But Home
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Released on
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
8. Breathe No More

Review #4016 by jusdina
Written on Jan 3, 2005 (Read 642 times)
i love Evanescence!!!  i have the new live cd with the dvd its great. my lil sister always said oh  i dont like her music then  i got the cd and its always missing lol.

Review #4002 by Kelikei
Written on Jan 2, 2005 (Read 645 times)
this is one of my favorite songs off of the whole cd. see im the kind of person who can listen to 1 song for a day and not really get tired of it. usually i start the cd and when it comes to Breathe No More i usually press repeat, and thats that. lololol

Review #3999 by saba
Written on Jan 2, 2005 (Read 603 times)
love the songggggggggggggg

Review #3994 by birdies
Written on Jan 1, 2005 (Read 613 times)
evanescence rocks!!! especially amy lee.  I can't wait for their new Cd.  I love all their songs especially breathe no more

Review #3973 by MaLyCe In WoNdErLaNd
Written on Dec 30, 2004 (Read 601 times)
 This is one of my favourite songs, Breathe No More. Whenever I listen to the song on the ANYWHERE BUT HOME CD, I imagine what the video would be like. This is my interpretation.

"I've been... soul's on the other side" : Amy is looking in a mirror and suddenly realizes it's not her her reflection is showing, but rather her soul... who starts to cry. She turns around.

"All the little... try to touch her": She hears the mirror crash, spins around and the mirror is scattered all over the floor. She trys to put the pieces back to together, in the meanwhile getting tiny cuts on her hands. She looks at her reflection and wonders, "Where is my soul?" What she is staring back at... little pieces of herself.

Chorus: Her father comes in (not her real one; a fake, fat filthy man) and sees the mess he's thinked she made and he yells at her. He kicks her and beats her and she does nothing but take it.

Short musical interlude: They are driving in the car; it's raining outside; and Amy has a gash lying across her face

"Take a breath... like a stubborn child": They enter a white building, Amy is standing by a door holding herself, her father talking to a person at a desk. Suddenly, two large men take Amy and drag her away, locking her into a padded cell. She is in the mental institution.

"Lie to me... when I get better": Basically she's singing to herself, crying, banging on walls, etc.

"But I know... do you love?": She turns around and notices a mirror and she immediately walks toward it. She sits and apologizes to her reflection, etc., talks to her. As if this were a real video, the camera goes through the mirror to reveal the other side, Amy, still sitting on the floor, looking at the mirror but instead of white pads, the padded walls are black.

"And I bleed... bleed no...": Amy suddenly looks behind her as if she has an idea, looking to see whether it is safe or not to bring it to plan...

"Bleed, I bleed... breathe, I breathe no more: She punches the mirror and it smashes to pieces... With a piece of the mirror, she takes it and slashes her wrist, all the while singing the above lyrics. A nurse immediately rushes into the room but he is too late. The camera goes through the mirror again to show the actual Amy Lee in the white room, sitting in the corner, crying, as she has just witnessed her soul doing what she wished she could do.


Review #3968 by Kellie
Written on Dec 30, 2004 (Read 596 times)
I am a very devoted Evanescence fan. More than anything, the reason I love their music is because it holds soul and meaning. Amy's lyrics aren't just words put together according to some rhyme or reason; you can tell her heart is behind every sound that comes out of her mouth. After watching the dvd Anywhere but Home, I grew to love Amy and Evanescence even more. It was so refreshing to see how outgoing, down to earth, and humble they all are. They take nothing for granted and are doing what they do because they love to do it. Its a passion, not a job, and you can tell they want to be there. I have seen Evanescence in concert and wait patiently for the day that I get to meet the band; as it will be an honor.

Review #3948 by GetLost
Written on Dec 28, 2004 (Read 607 times)
i just Love everything about u Evanescnce ur songs ur ways everything about u is just amazing.. your special fan {getlost}

Review #3937 by Sarah
Written on Dec 26, 2004 (Read 633 times)
I have been an Evanescence fan for over a year now. I cant stop listening to them. There songs and Amy Lee's voice is just wonderfull. I cant wait for a new Album to come out.

Review #3931 by Loulabell
Written on Dec 26, 2004 (Read 531 times)
Hey guys...heres the lyrics to breathe no more!!

"Breathe No More"

I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That i've come to believe my soul's on the other side.
All the little pieces falling,shatter
shards of me
to sharp to put back together
too small to matter,
but big enough to cut me into so many little pieces,if i try to touch her, and i bleed,i bleed, and i breathe,i breathe no more

Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
lie to me,convince me i've been sick forever.
and all of this,will make sense when i get better.
but i know the difference between myself and my reflection, I just cant help but to wonder which of us do you love.
so i bleed,i bleed,and i breath,i breathe no...bleed,i bleed,and i breathe,i breathe,i breathe-,i breathe no more.

Review #3926 by britt
Written on Dec 25, 2004 (Read 540 times)
Hi i love this song and would really like the lyrics, if you kno them can you post it on here


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