Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
8. Breathe No More

Review #5721 by MASH!
Written on Oct 7, 2005 (Read 475 times)
It's the only song that I listen everyday, & I can't stop listening!

THX to AMY with her beautiful voice.


Review #5693 by stace
Written on Sep 29, 2005 (Read 477 times)
i love this song i think its brilliant i've got it on cd and i can never go through a day without listening to it AMY LEE AND THE REST OF EVANESCENCE KEEP IT UP GUYS :-)

Review #5690 by Britteny
Written on Sep 27, 2005 (Read 445 times)
This song is great! I love it and i find myself pictureing what is going on within the song. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Review #5600 by Roxy
Written on Sep 5, 2005 (Read 476 times)
this song i so beautiful and i listened to it none stop for 20 minutes you have wonderful songs but this is my favorite out of all of them!!! Its very powerful. i love your music!!!

Review #5485 by chelsea
Written on Aug 13, 2005 (Read 522 times)
i love this song soooo much, when i first herd it i almost cried, especially the lines "lie to me convince me that i've been sick forever, and all of this will make sense when i get better." it is the most beautiful song ever!

Review #5422 by Sky
Written on Jul 31, 2005 (Read 439 times)
This song if one of my favorite song from them because they kind of change it up with haveing the acoustic in it. also how can you not like Amy's singing near the end of the song were she really gets loud....WOW awsome voice

Review #5345 by sweet but sour
Written on Jul 18, 2005 (Read 465 times)
everytime i listen to an evanescence song i say ok this is my fav...i really mean it EVERYTIME,it's not my fault, every song is unique! i luv amy's voice, it's just so warm :) and the music is just wow!

Review #5335 by Chris
Written on Jul 17, 2005 (Read 445 times)
WOW, this song is just WOW, I love Evanescence!!! Rock On!!!!!!!!!!!

Review #5280 by luke
Written on Jul 9, 2005 (Read 445 times)
breathe no more... wow this is the best song that i have heard amy sing...the song is no doubt going to be one of my favorites for all times... in a 10-1 rating scale i would have to give it an off the scale 20!!!!

Review #5157 by Cady
Written on Jun 14, 2005 (Read 509 times)
I love your music! You have a beautiful voice and I think it great you have the talent to share it to the world. My neice Zoe loves your music and she is only 7 years old.


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