Evanescence Song Reviews

Anywhere But Home Anywhere But Home
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Released on
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
4. Everybody’s Fool

Review #6696 by ola
Written on Aug 21, 2006 (Read 1013 times)
It just is cool

Review #6675 by broken
Written on Aug 16, 2006 (Read 1015 times)
i have a have a frined named Raynaldo and this song reminds me of that shitty guy becuz he used me to go out with mY friend and now i HATE HIM BECUZ HE BROKE MY HEART

Review #5859 by Nympthsis
Written on Nov 8, 2005 (Read 1194 times)
Whom here has seen the film clip to the song "Everybody's fool"? Not many? I thought, considering the film I believe was R-Rated when it was released on their live in concert DVD.
Many of the images, societies standards could calls as disturbing, but this film clip drives its' message hard.
Throughout the film clip Amy Lee poses as an actor called "Lies" and she advertises produces such as perfumes, pre-made meal, soft-drinks and even doll. But as the clip progresses images of a depressed Amy Lee is shown. And eventually the clip comes to the stage where the Actor Amy Lee plays, begins attempts on her life.
This film clip, I believe shows that not only do lies hurt the receiver, but lies also hurt the maker. And almost destroying Amy Lee as shown in the film clip.
A lie without a truth is...

Thank You Terry Balsamo, William Boyd, Rocky Gray, John LeCompt, and Amy Lee.
Your music has given me many hours of enjoyment, Well Done!

Review #5749 by Kaan
Written on Oct 14, 2005 (Read 1216 times)
Evenescanse your sound like angel please talk to me my mail adres is o0kaan0o@hotmail.com please ı m from turkey:.:i can dead for you please write to me please i wont give your mail adress anybody...

Review #5513 by teneya
Written on Aug 17, 2005 (Read 1282 times)
i love amy lees voice . she is great. i have blue eys just like her an di died my haor to be black like hers. anyway i just love her uncondionally, she is so awsome. i couldnt live with out their music, its breath taking.. i love you evenescence!!!!!!!!

Review #5405 by Sh@dow
Written on Jul 27, 2005 (Read 1332 times)
Every one listen , I don;t know very well this new album but I Should Listen this song from new album ,so who have new song from (anyWhere but Home) Please Send Me any song from this album Because i don't have any song from this album then I Will Thank Her or him who send it.
E-Mail : Throneofdark@hotmail.com

Review #5404 by ~*$@R@#*~
Written on Jul 27, 2005 (Read 1333 times)
OMG! That poem was amazing...I wish that I could write like that! Well.....I just wanted to tell u that I think ur poetry rox and u should keep up the great work. I mean... If I was amy lee....then I would make a re-make of everybody's fool using ur poem because that would totally sell!

Review #5403 by ~$@R@#*~
Written on Jul 27, 2005 (Read 1333 times)
OMG! That poem was amazing...I wish that I could write like that! Well.....I just wanted to tell u that I think ur poetry rox and u should keep up the great work. I mean... If I was amy lee....then I would make a re-make of everybody's fool using ur poem because that would totally sell!

Review #5383 by Trina
Written on Jul 24, 2005 (Read 1340 times)
Hey! it's me again. I really idolize Amy! I think she is a great idol and way better than Britney Spears! Amy has inspired me to write this poem. I hope you like it and let me know if you agree. Please comment or e-mail me. This is for you Amy!!!

Everybody’s Fool
Evil eyes wait around the corner
Haunting me over and over
Blood-red eyes weighing me down
Smiles that make me frown
Can’t run, Can’t hide
Blurring me every time I open my eyes
Confusing me, my thoughts, my mind
Peacefulness, impossible to find.

At the border of losing my sanity
Trapped in the depths of endless profanity
Is it all self-indulgence?
That I have to fight against?
The lies that surrounds my every hour
The self-pity that corrupted this precious flower
Could not take my soul
I had awakened long ago.

Maybe someday you’ll wake from this lie you live
The lie I know you won’t be able to forgive.
You will fall, you will cry
But you will remember the reason why
You thought if you showed no weakness
Or flaws, you would be perfect.
But weakness is not being strong enough to be yourself
Now you are your own lies, your worst betrayal
Self-indulgence, denial of one’s true self.

Review #5377 by Trina
Written on Jul 23, 2005 (Read 1343 times)
Hey! it's me again. I really idolize Amy! I think she is a great idol and way better than Britney Spears! Amy has inspired me to write this poem. I hope you like it and let me know if you agree. Please comment or e-mail me. This is for you Amy!!!

Dear Amy,
I know you’ve been through hard times
But you are not alone.
Sometimes I feel isolated, left behind,
But when listen to your songs I no longer feel cold
Because you are there to comfort me,
I don’t even have to scream.
No one can feel lonelier than we.
I hope that you are all but a dream.
You are a way much better idol than Britney Spears
That why I need you here
Because when I scream, she will never hear
My needs though I am speaking loud and clear.
I tell her I need someone to idolize,
A person strong-willed who respects herself.
All she will do is strip in front of my eyes
So all I want to do is melt
And fade away from reality.
You don’t know how many hearts you touch
Our Rock Princess – Amy Lee
We all love you so much.
I just want you to know
There are lots of fans who feel the same way I do.
I can tell on stage, the emotions you show.
There are no words to describe how much I idolize you.
You say you are unique, misunderstood and sympathetic,
I believe you because I’ve seen it
Your lyrics are soothing and poetic
But my sister thinks you are a b**ch
There’s one in every crowd,
I don’t care what she thinks or says
Because I am so proud
Of you in so many ways.

I’m just going to keep it brief
We all love you Amy
I know no band lasts forever and someday you will leave
But in our hearts you will forever be.

I hope you like it!


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