Evanescence Song Reviews

The Punisher Soundtrack The Punisher Soundtrack
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Released on
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
5. Broken by Seether featuring Amy Lee

Review #2651 by Jordan
Written on May 31, 2004 (Read 981 times)
I really love this song.  I can relate to every Evanescence song and this one is no exception (though I know it's not really Evanescence.)  It's simply amazing.  Haha, a matter of fact, I'm listening to it now.

Review #2625 by Amanda
Written on May 28, 2004 (Read 996 times)
I LOVE is this song.  I have been constantely listening to it since I heard it the first time.  It is AWESOME!

Review #2614 by kim
Written on May 26, 2004 (Read 1026 times)
i think this song is really great amy's voice is beautiful rock on to u all i luv evanecences this is the best band in da world
kim =-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Review #2588 by Joanna
Written on May 23, 2004 (Read 1049 times)
That song is absoutley breaktaking, and it's me and my boyfriend's song. It's great and powerful, and I love the music video. Great idea, and beautiful song.

Review #2578 by T
Written on May 22, 2004 (Read 1065 times)
Quite simply the most beautiful song!  I play it all the time and have had my girlfriend listen to it!  The song means so much!  Amy is breathtaking!

Review #2575 by Christopher Cook
Written on May 22, 2004 (Read 1066 times)
This song is awesome! I love this song. It is so beautiful. Shaun Morgan's voice blends in perfectly with Amy's breathtaking voice. The video is good too, and I recommend it to anyone who likes music videos! You can see it on launch, and I believe that you can see it on AOL as well. Amy, rock on! Also, keep up your rocking with Shaun! You guys are awesome together!

Review #2574 by Shannon
Written on May 22, 2004 (Read 1070 times)
This song is really good. I am a fan of Seether now. Before this song, I did'nt even know he exist. Great song, Amy!


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