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Fallen Buy It! Released on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 |
Review #3096 by: | C]-[@z! C]-[@z | |
Written on: | Jul 31, 2004 (Read 1657 times) | |
This band came out, not knowing what awaited them. And they sure got the message. They are talented young musicians who deserve all the credit they are having no, and it's also a good thing to know they are not spoiled by it. First time I heard "My tournaquet" I was soo damn jelous and happy at the same time, because the content of the lyrics is just brilliant, and I have ben trying to write some lyrics with the exact same content. They did very well, so congrats to them. Best of luck for their future!!! |
Review #3088 by: | Hazel Joanne | |
Written on: | Jul 31, 2004 (Read 1476 times) | |
I so did not know that this was a remake! I totally can relate to this song. Well, anybody can say what they want to say about Amy Lee and her band but I still love them. And I dont give a flying fuck about what others think about them! |
Review #3087 by: | Hazel Joanne | |
Written on: | Jul 30, 2004 (Read 1473 times) | |
I so did not know that this was a remake! I totally can relate to this song. Well, anybody can say what they want to say about Amy Lee and her band but I still love them. And I dont give a flying fuck about what others think about them! |
Review #3056 by: | Amanda | |
Written on: | Jul 27, 2004 (Read 1538 times) | |
kk...well this isn't really bout how amazing their cd fallen was...and yes, it was amazing....I just wanta say that I recently heard one of their songs off of their first album "Origin" in which sold a very limited number of copies....anyways the song is called "Forgive Me" and i just wanted to say its amazing and so all of you people in love with them....e-mail them and tell them to put it on their follow up cd to "Fallen" I assure u its awesum!!!!!!! |
Review #3046 by: | Purity | |
Written on: | Jul 26, 2004 (Read 1539 times) | |
I want to die is my favorite part. I have tried suicide MILLIONS of times but no one pulls the plug. My sister Mellony and Me said if one us went into Suicide we would pull the plug. I pulled her plug. No one is here to pull mine but myself. And I cant. I just wish someone would fricking pull it for me. When I listen to this song. I feel how its like to realise no one shall pull your plug. I was talking with my brother. He said he couldnt loose me like my other siblings we pulled the plug for. Death is an Experiance I want to know. I want to die. I want murder in my life. I WANT TO FRICKIN DIE |
Review #3040 by: | the ignore | |
Written on: | Jul 26, 2004 (Read 1520 times) | |
I love this song because,maybe I believe in the opposite of things that may come to the human or lonely people .This song remmember every time i listen to it that maybe the lonelyness is awfull and ugly but when I go to the out side world all the people try to trade on me so i feel the lonelyness is my salvation in spite of it's my tourniquet of ilfe .......I feel HOLLOW AND SORROW |
Review #3029 by: | Broken Angel | |
Written on: | Jul 24, 2004 (Read 1536 times) | |
I love Evenescence.... I love My Immortal.. Because it desribes to a "T" my relationship..... They are a very kewl group! |
Review #3028 by: | Christina | |
Written on: | Jul 24, 2004 (Read 1543 times) | |
Ok this is to Eriko Myoujin kid, this song is about askin for forgiveness about the whole cuttin/sucide thing its not cowardly/whining. |
Review #3017 by: | just a fan | |
Written on: | Jul 23, 2004 (Read 1555 times) | |
well this song is amazing. i want to be able to give props to amy for writing it but she didnt. however the way she and her band did the cover is nothing short of outstanding. ive actually heard the original My Tourniquet by Soul Embrace and its horrible! a chugging hard (HARD) core guitar is in the background with no rythmn or specific chords or anything. i would google it just to be able to appreciate the new one more. and the lyrics are COMPLETELY uncomprehendable. if i hadnt already had the lyrics memorized from evanescence's version it would just sound like the guy is going rahRahrahahrahRAHARAHRahrAHH!! evanescence really does this song justice. and trust me, the fallen version is a song all thier own. i would hardly consider it a cover since the only thing the two versions share is lyrics. and it was very original and creative to put the dialogue from romeo and juliet during the guitar solo of evanescence's original version of this song ending with claire danes shouting the famous I LONG TO DIE. i think they should have left the dialogue in the fallen version. at least they left the I LONG TO DIE part. i wonder if its still claire. sounds the same to me. anywho thats just my 2 cents on this life changing piece of music. peace out. not a fanatic just a fan |
Review #3011 by: | Lexiloo22 | |
Written on: | Jul 23, 2004 (Read 1531 times) | |
WELL DO I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY !! XxAshley,you do not know what you are talking about. Evanescence are the best band ever.They are not linkin park,if ud eva bother to listen to the lyrics.U talk about "if u take away the band" "if u take away the singer" etc.....well a band is made up of these things and that is what makes them great. She can sing ,she has a mad voice and she breathes into the microphone to sing duh.ANYWAYS in conclusion,AMY LEE ROCKS so dont diss her OR her band.GO EVANESCENCE!!! |