Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
5. Haunted

Review #2897 by Brian Mendoza
Written on Jul 8, 2004 (Read 542 times)
all the @#%$*$ metalheads are retarded . Evanenscence rocks because it's real music.

Review #2895 by METALHEAD
Written on Jul 8, 2004 (Read 552 times)
if you're 'touched' by evanescence's lyrics then you're just a stupid conformist trend follower moron. There're way too many bands that beat the living sh*t of evanescrap in terms of lyrics and musical structure. Anathema, My dying bride, Tiamat and many other nordic bands are a good example. Quite frankly I'm tired of all the teenage dumbass drones that MTV produces. If these retards can't make a difference between sh*t and good music they shouldn't listen to music at all. F*CK them!

Review #2861 by Jeannette
Written on Jul 3, 2004 (Read 590 times)
This song along with "Bring Me To Life" and "My Immortal" from this C-D are my favorites. The lyrics say what I feel. I could listen to them all day long!

Review #2787 by amy
Written on Jun 24, 2004 (Read 653 times)
jake needs 2 get a life!

Review #2778 by kathryn
Written on Jun 22, 2004 (Read 663 times)
i love how this song shows the views of both sides. it really makes u feel the emotions of someone who is being wiolated, and how it makes u feel so helpless and out of control.


Review #2755 by melissa
Written on Jun 16, 2004 (Read 720 times)
evanescence is such a awesome band and all these losers saying that we're the losers cuz we like them are just being fucking stupid. ppl shouldnt say that cuz we just have a diff taste in music as them. they arnt ur typical stereotype band expesuly amy. shes true to herself and her feelings and she's not about to strip off her clothes so ppl will buy her album. shes real and her music has touched me and I will love them forever!!

Review #2728 by ::margo::
Written on Jun 12, 2004 (Read 785 times)
This song totally rocks~!! I LOVE Evanescence! Evanescence rox my sox!

This song talks about the real things in life. It dosen't lie to u or make u think that life is the gatest thing, becuz it isn't. it tells u to never expect too much from life overall. Haunted is my favorite song in the whole world!

Also, if u disagree with me, i understand. ppl have different tastes. I have nothing against ppl who don't like evanescence or this song.


Review #2727 by ::margo::
Written on Jun 12, 2004 (Read 782 times)
This song totally rocks~!! I LOVE Evanescence! Evanescence rox my sox!

This song talks about the real things in life. It dosen't lie to u or make u think that life is the gatest thing, becuz it isn't. it tells u to never expect too much from life overall. Haunted is my favorite song in the whole world!

Also, if u disagree with me, i understand. ppl have different tastes. I have nothing against ppl who don't like evanescence or this song.


Review #2707 by Eskaia
Written on Jun 7, 2004 (Read 833 times)
Okay, aye, I can't believe you guys are comparing Evanescence with metal. Seriously, if you were "real" metalheads, you would hear the difference. Evanescence is Rock/Alternative. They can't be put in the same category as Cradle of Filth, Immortal, Kreator, Tool, and groups like that. They're not the same thing, and thus can't be compared.

Review #2703 by Real Metalhead
Written on Jun 7, 2004 (Read 834 times)
Evanescence Sucks dick. Is for the Fucking To40 taste. If you want good Goth Metal,get Lacuna Coil or Within Temptation. You think this is awesome because you compare the shit with Britney Spears but next to other stuff, it sucks. Only Lee's voice is good. The rest are morons that sound like Stinkin Park. Fuck all this crap made for morons that listen to fucking "NOW" CDs


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