Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
5. Haunted

Review #3669 by zhuke
Written on Nov 17, 2004 (Read 1000 times)
amy lee was so great...the song was so cool and i love it very much!!!!!

Review #3667 by Nina Paquette A.K.A. Troubbled Kid
Written on Nov 17, 2004 (Read 978 times)
I just wanted a chance to say that the whole fallen album is wonderful it helps me every day a because most of my days are bad and music always helps in any way
Amy also has a very sharp and pretty voice


Review #3604 by Tristan Butschek
Written on Nov 5, 2004 (Read 1010 times)
This song is so dark and angry- you can feel an irresistible dark energy running through you when you listen to it. One of my favourite songs of all time! Evanescence U Rule! Keep rocking!

Review #3601 by ashley gibson
Written on Nov 3, 2004 (Read 933 times)
hey i just wanted to say that amy ur awsome. ur music will make u live larger and larger everyday. and i wanted to ask u when u were gonna come out with another album?

Review #3478 by Brittany Wells AKA Bloody Britty
Written on Sep 25, 2004 (Read 884 times)
This is such a cool song! I love it! It describes me and everything that happens to me perfectly.

Review #3445 by amy roxz
Written on Sep 17, 2004 (Read 897 times)
Hey Metalhead go to fuckin hell, you DO NOT NO good music when u c it. I will always be no matter wat happens i'll be Amy's # 1 fan

Review #3438 by ur_imaginary_friend
Written on Sep 16, 2004 (Read 786 times)
this song iz so awesome. there's not one song on 'fallen' i dont like. usually, everyday 4 me iz a bad one so i alwayz blast it up real high. my favorites are 'imaginary' and of course 'haunted'. amy lee has such a powerful voice. and the rest of the band iz awesome 2. i dont think i'll ever get sik of their music!

Review #3432 by Mariah Flynn
Written on Sep 15, 2004 (Read 775 times)
I love this song, its amazing, amy lee's voise is briliant as always but the producing of the album, all the back ground music is astomishing

Review #3420 by megan
Written on Sep 13, 2004 (Read 722 times)
Evanesceance's music is an aquired taste. I love all the songs. It's the kind of music you want to blast in your room if you having a bad day. The lyrics are very powerful.  I love all the songs! keep up the good work!

Review #3379 by GOTH_GURL
Written on Sep 3, 2004 (Read 659 times)
last nite i had a dream that i met amy lee and that i got to spend like an hour with her it was awesome it was os real and by the way that is my real e mail adresss so email me ppl pls pls pls lol i beg u guys i love to get e mails so....


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