Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
5. Haunted

Review #1234 by Britt
Written on Feb 22, 2004 (Read 2503 times)
I love this cd...i love this song my immotal it is sooo good and goin under and bring  too life they are all soo good!!!!!

Review #1208 by Sammi
Written on Feb 21, 2004 (Read 2530 times)
Hey, this is a kick butt song! Some people might think it's a little weird but, I think it rox! It's my favorite song on the CD.

Review #1188 by Na Na
Written on Feb 20, 2004 (Read 2551 times)
for some reaosn i never gave a chance to listen to evenescence but now that i have i know that i have been missin out these songs are just so wonderfull and i hope that everyone feels the same way. i love you Evanescence!!!!!!

Review #1169 by Em F.
Written on Feb 19, 2004 (Read 2573 times)
Oh my gosh! This CD is like-the best CD in the world. And Hautned is such a good songI listen to it over and over again. I got tickets for theit concert!! YIPPIE!

Review #1137 by zippo
Written on Feb 17, 2004 (Read 2602 times)
i think that this band is one of the most touching and emotions strikers. enjoy heawring them espacially "my immortal"

Review #1120 by Maggie
Written on Feb 16, 2004 (Read 2620 times)
to me the song is kind of creepy b/c it talks about someone watching youand rappiny you but i get the message...it is a good song

Review #1037 by leonessy
Written on Feb 13, 2004 (Read 2687 times)
Hello people how U doing?
hey this band is the best!!

Hola gente esta Banda es la mejor!!!

Review #945 by crzy
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 2782 times)
hola como estas!!! i want to talk to people

Review #940 by Samer Ghallab
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 2788 times)
hi, I juz wana say that ur amazing and im a big but no a great fan for u, i love ur songs so much, but i think that its the time to make another album so....

Review #938 by Alexis
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 2792 times)
This has got to be my all time favorite song.  It really speaks about your inner feelings... it's very expressive musically and can help you get that lift when you need it!


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