Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #199 by sonnie
Written on Dec 14, 2003 (Read 38464 times)
Amy is 2 kuu........... sh should rule all music, and this is my fav song fr9om her but i luv all her songs , c_ya    :)

Review #195 by Gina
Written on Dec 14, 2003 (Read 38473 times)
My Immortal is very similar to the song 'You'. However 'You'can move a person 10X more than My Immortal. It's just out of this world...these 2 songs.

Review #166 by rob brindlow
Written on Nov 28, 2003 (Read 38613 times)
out of every song i have ever heard in my life there are only 2 songs that i will NEVER get tired of hearing and my immortal is at the top of my list. the song is just incredible and the video is mind blowing. since finding it 2 weeks ago on the evanescence website its all i have watched and im still not bored of hearing it and i never will be.

Review #164 by Cynthia
Written on Nov 27, 2003 (Read 38621 times)
I think "My Immortal" is the best rock ballad in the last years! It touches my soul so much...It even makes me cry while listening!
I adore this song! And Amy has a great voice!
Evanescence is really one of the best bands who makes music!

Review #163 by Amanda
Written on Nov 26, 2003 (Read 38624 times)
I just want to say that when i listened to this song i felt the emotions and feelings in the lyrics, i also think that the piono is what also makes it great, the video is brilliant too, at last a brilliant band, outstanding song, and i hope that they keep making more good Music.

Review #156 by Rob
Written on Nov 23, 2003 (Read 38649 times)
This song is just beautiful. Its from the heart and touches me, i can just forget all my toubles and be happy. Thankyou Evanescence for this.

Review #147 by Malcolm
Written on Nov 18, 2003 (Read 38712 times)
One word.........WOW

Review #144 by Christopher Brew
Written on Nov 15, 2003 (Read 38730 times)
This song is amazing in every way and is truly moving.  And I know I'm probably just sounding exactly the same as everyone esle, but it's true!
Even just listening to this song can really help you forget all the pains of life and relax.
It also reminds me of a very special girl, though.  She is so perfect in every way, I am totally in love with her and I know that I always will be, but circumstances mean that I cant get any closer to her than talking at school.  This song just fits into life so perfectly.

Review #127 by Suzeswanee
Written on Nov 10, 2003 (Read 38768 times)
This song is very moving, it makes me want to cry.  You can feel the emotion in Amy's voice, and that is what makes the song so special.  It can relate to different people with different circumstances.  I love it.  I can't stop listening to it.  I find it almost hipnotic.  It reminds me of my ex boyfriend and even though we have broken up it still feels like he has 'all of me'.

Review #110 by Joseph Gore
Written on Nov 2, 2003 (Read 38802 times)
I heard my immortality the first time on the movie daredevil. I love this song right along with the other songs I hope she plays my immortality at the ama awards on abc. I don't know how anyone can't like evanescence when they put you in their concerts.


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