Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #438 by Kate Robertson
Written on Jan 16, 2004 (Read 35535 times)
MAN...do i love this song it is the best song that evanescence have let out since "going Under" lol...cause it is the only song they have let out since then!..lol Evanescence is my favourite band EVER I love this band I don't have their cd but I am getting it soon!!! I HOPE!! wish me luck!lmao

Review #435 by ladycontesa85
Written on Jan 16, 2004 (Read 35547 times)
this is one of the best songs ive heard in the longest time. not only can i relate to this one song but ive gone along with it as an anthem to my life and what ive been thru....i love this song...its nice to have someone who can write whats real.

Review #432 by Angel of Death
Written on Jan 16, 2004 (Read 35612 times)
Amy your voice is just amazing!!
This song always makes me wonna cry!!
The piano music is just amazing!!
Fab work Evanescence!!

Review #416 by sal z
Written on Jan 16, 2004 (Read 35692 times)
ive been an evanescence for as long as they have been out and my imortal is the greatest song, t reminds me of  my first girl friend and how all of these things happned, and it is just so sad. I like it better than bring me to life!!

Review #411 by ashley hall
Written on Jan 15, 2004 (Read 35839 times)
i love this song it is so awesome.  it reminds me of my guy.  he is away in the marines and i cant stand it.  well, thats me.

Review #407 by rick bakhuis
Written on Jan 15, 2004 (Read 35919 times)
I think this is a verry good song of yours it wil be a good hit al the time,I always play it.you wil probebly nowe it is a great hit so i hope you wil make some more of these grate hits.

I realy love your album, the best whisses from my

great's Rick.

Review #406 by elyssa
Written on Jan 15, 2004 (Read 35970 times)
wow! i reallly love this song. everytime i think about it i find away to relate to it. its so weird. most people can find a way to relate.

Review #404 by Elizabeth
Written on Jan 15, 2004 (Read 35973 times)
My Immortal is a great song. The lyrics to this song are powerful, and the tune is just beautiful. Evanescence writes the best music!

Review #401 by emma (from below)
Written on Jan 14, 2004 (Read 36072 times)
Email me if you cryed reading these reviews or listening to this song
(i did):(  :(
:(  :(

Review #400 by emma
Written on Jan 14, 2004 (Read 36082 times)
I cryed when i herd this song because in the last year 2 of my cats died and the guy i've like for the past 4 years said i "acked wierd around him",
God i luv him so much!!!!!!!!!


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