Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #974 by KeNdRa OlSeN
Written on Feb 9, 2004 (Read 27926 times)
I love this song! I did break into tears because of it and I beleave it is one of the greatest ever.

Review #971 by Mandy W.
Written on Feb 9, 2004 (Read 27983 times)
Well i really enjoyed this song. It makes me feel almost as if i was the one in the song. When i first heard the song for the first few times it almost made me break into tears.The song was great and I belive it will be a great single that they can use.

Review #970 by Pizza
Written on Feb 9, 2004 (Read 27987 times)
I am the 52 year old Mom of a very charismatic you man. He's a heartbreaker. I know that from dealing with him myself in many ways. Sweet and very easy to love...gets under peoples skin. I spent sometime yesterday talking with a young woman he has been living with on and off for the past 6 years....most of their young adult life.He has managed to keep her "there" through at least 4 relationships (out in the open) with other people.
She is in so much pain right now but she is trying really hard to let him go. This video came on right after I was talking with her and it so much resonated how she was feeling.
I felt that way no more than 8 years ago myself...that stuff doesn't change very much at the core but I can manage it so much better now. It does get better kids.
Keep shining Evanesence...love your music and congratulations on the best new artist.Hope I get to see you in concert in beautiful BC sometime.

Review #968 by Wild Bill
Written on Feb 9, 2004 (Read 28037 times)
This is a beautiful song! I see it capturing an emotion that many of us do not want to except after losing your "significant other". The selfish feeling of resentment of pouring oneself into someone only to be left with an emptiness of an equally charished need to be loved.  I anticipate your next album...You guys rock and I wish you luck in the upcoming Grammy's.

Review #967 by Sexc Sezza
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 28049 times)
U DUDES ROCK!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE UR NEW ALBUM! my mum pre ordered it coz she loves u guys 2 n she hasent seen it since she paid for it coz i love it so much god bless u all n i hope u go great in future n make more albums like this xtreme one so i can buy em all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA ALL

Review #965 by ewan
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 28130 times)
joke lng galing nga nila eh:)

Review #964 by kamille
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 28156 times)
gag0 clang lhat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review #953 by Deneka
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 28279 times)
This song can relate 2 so many things. Last yr. wen i 1st heard it i directed it towards the guy i was goin out w/ at the time. we were close..... i guess bu it seened like he was never there for me wen i needed him bu as soon as he needed me i was right there and ready 2 do anythin 4 him. now it is still kinda about him bu its also about evrythin that kids go thru in life and tons of other things. this song is a really touching song the 1st time i heard it i cried so hard and at the end i felt so good and like all the weight had been lifted off my shoulders. it really helped.

Review #952 by Deneka
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 28291 times)
This song can relate 2 so many things. Last yr. wen i 1st heard it i directed it towards the guy i was goin out w/ at the time. we were close..... i guess bu it seened like he was never there for me wen i needed him bu as soon as he needed me i was right there and ready 2 do anythin 4 him. now it is still kinda about him bu its also about evrythin that kids go thru in life and tons of other things. this song is a really touching song the 1st time i heard it i cried so hard and at the end i felt so good and like all the weight had been lifted off my shoulders. it really helped.

Review #949 by blankmans lil'girl
Written on Feb 8, 2004 (Read 28312 times)
I PRAY SO MUCH THAT YOU GET A GRAMMY FOR THIS SONG AND ALBUM you deseve all of it your such a great inspreation you help me relax and become ME! THANK YOU KEEP UP YOUR MUSIC!


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