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Fallen Buy It! Released on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 |
Review #1914 by: | Emily | |
Written on: | Apr 3, 2004 (Read 11364 times) | |
Hi If any of you in evanescence so this you guys have to come back to lincoln, NE I couldn't make it to you concert when you were her and I love "My Immortal" gurrrrrr!!!! I have had the hiccups all day and they are driving me crazy!! Amy Lee you are awesome |
Review #1912 by: | jessica | |
Written on: | Apr 3, 2004 (Read 11403 times) | |
hey i love ur music ! me and my friends are ur biggest Fans we know a whole bunch of ur songs. and MY Immortal is our favorite !we love it and we can relate to it, that's what all the 0ther singers should do they should write songs that people can relate to !! |
Review #1905 by: | Katherine | |
Written on: | Apr 2, 2004 (Read 11598 times) | |
There are no words that can ever explain how I feel about this song and it's lyrics. It's one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard... My mother died when I was 13,and she still has all of me... |
Review #1904 by: | Auvie | |
Written on: | Apr 2, 2004 (Read 11619 times) | |
My mom's BF died of braincancer & she says that she can totally relate to this song! JUST HERE IT YOURSELF! |
Review #1896 by: | laura clingen | |
Written on: | Apr 1, 2004 (Read 11903 times) | |
This song reminds me so much of my bf. We were together for a year and 2 months.The last 2 months that we were together,I never saw him. He seemed like he was too busy for me. He was alsways on line playing some game.Then he stopped calling me for like 4 days at a time, sometimes a week. So one night i got a call saying that he was cheating on me with shannon smith! NO COMMENT! I called him and asked him and it wasn't true. He got mad and broke up with me. Then he turned around and went out with her! That hurt more than he will ever know. Now i hear that he was seeing her for a week before i acused him! His best friend told me. I don't know who to believe.I love him so much. I miss him. He told me a few days ago that he didn't feel right talking to me as a friend. I don't know what will hapen. My best friend found out that she has cancer.And so does my papaw. Life isn't fair. My other friend moved away b/c her mom is dumb and can't stick up for herself. Logan, I love you & your mom will wake up! Shannon....You better hope i don't see you ever again! This song makes me cry every time i hear it. It is so true! It is exactly how every tennagers life is. Zack, I still love you no matter what. Laura clingen & I love you! Zack Robinson 01/11/03-03/17/04 |
Review #1895 by: | Jackie Martin | |
Written on: | Apr 1, 2004 (Read 11961 times) | |
Review #1893 by: | Christine | |
Written on: | Apr 1, 2004 (Read 12012 times) | |
Hey ur my favorite band! I listen to ur song MY IMMORTAL ALL THE TIME! It makes me think about things! I can't wait til u come to new orleans soI can go listen to you! My Immortal is my favorite song it makes me think about things! I love it so much! I cried when it frist came out it made me think about a friend that got killed! UR SONG ROCKS! |
Review #1882 by: | nalia morales | |
Written on: | Mar 31, 2004 (Read 12226 times) | |
what evanescence is tring to say that face your fears if you dont they will come to haunt you so face your fears evanscence rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Review #1876 by: | !~*AbBy RoWE*~! | |
Written on: | Mar 31, 2004 (Read 12342 times) | |
heyhey amy lee u r like so freaken kool i got ur cd it is the best cd i have ever had and im singin my immortal in the talent show this year it is gonna be awesome i just have one thing to ask u why do u sing it different in the video than on ur cd i luv the video of my immotal and i just luv the guitar in the background and how great is it to get 2 grammys i hope i can make it to one of ur concerts cuz i would really like to hear u sing live well thats about it buh byz |
Review #1874 by: | Eusebia Rios | |
Written on: | Mar 31, 2004 (Read 12384 times) | |
God this song is so cool. I think I could listen to it all day and not get tired of it. My ex-boyfriend said it made him feel like crap everytime he heard it. This song is very moving and the guitar in the back sounds so freaken cool. I love everything about this song. This is by far the best song that I've ever heard. Ammie Lee, hope I spelled it right, has a beatuiful voice and has a lot of talent in singing. I hope there are many more moving and touching songs like this. |